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There's a bug that I got where after exiting one of the corridors before one of the upgrades (I didn't have missiles so I couldn't unlock the door) I paused to check the map then when I unpaused the game crashed

The crash in question


I'm not sure if you have any control over it, but the keyboard buttons feel backwards to me: Left action button Z is jump, Right action button X is shoot, where as on the controller, its the opposite.

As a compromise, you could make C also jump.

Z - Jump
X - Shoot
C - Jump

(1 edit) (+1)

I don't think I have control over it, but I'll see what I can do. Thanks for pointing it out.
Edit: It's possible, It'll be rolled out in the next update.


ok ok wait wait wait this is actually well done!

i would 100% love to see this completed!!

however, may i suggest improving a few things?

the thing that bugs me the most is the UI speed. if you set the text speed to instant, it would work a lot better.

other than that its just things like missile drops not spawning yet and samus' physics are a bit wonky. i get gb studio's built deceleration isnt super fantastic, but theres a plugin that allows for more control called "platformer+".

also, at the save stations samus' sprite can become unaligned/jank since im assuming you're using a different actor for the front facing view, which is totally fine. however, you should set samus' actual player position to the middle and re-center the camera to samus then hide her and do the save animation. that way it both makes her spawn in the middle on reload and fixes the funky animation bug.

can't wait to see more from this! 


I'll look into those, thanks for the feedback! I've actually already got P+ installed, but it's hard to judge the physics when the screen sizes are so different. I'll try my best, though. As for the missile drops, they're coming soon enough.


hell yeah